Sunday, June 27, 2004

Who Said This?

Law is the eye of love,
and without law love is blind;
Love is the soul of law,
and without love law is dead.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Fine Dining

Boiled Shrimp
Louis Sauce
Steamed Asparagus
Pasta Salad with lots of
Orange Peppers,Grape Tomatoes
Stilton Cheese and Black Olives
French Bread

Bloody Mary
Glen Ellen Pinot Grigio

Fresh Peaches over
Vanilla Ice Cream
Almond Liqueur
Choc Hazelnut Pirouette Cookie

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Southern T-U-L-I-P

In Sunday School we're studying Calvin and today the teacher had to expound Calvin's doctrine, usually understood by the acrostic T-U-L-I-P

In Southern this becomes P-E-A-C-H

P=pervasive perversity=total depravity=T
E=election, external and eternal=unconditional surrender=U
A=atonement, limited by design=limited atonement=L
C=calling, effectual=irresistable grace=I
H=heavenly home held by heavenly hands=perserverance of the saints=P

He agreed the *H* needed some work, but the example served the purpose.

Added  3/19/2010
Jay Adams on TULIP

“I’ve been reading your blogs for a few weeks now, and find them . . . well . . . . different. But the title to this one takes the cake! What in the world are you writing about this time?”

Well, I’m glad you find my blogs . . .uh . . . different. I try to keep away from the run-of-the-mill presentations that bore rather than inform.

Some time ago, I wrote an article for RC Sproul’s little monthly magazine Table Talk. In it I wanted to stress some aspects of the so-called “Five Points of Calvinism.” As you know, the word T-U-L-I-P is used as a means of remembering each of the points. T stands for total depravity; U for unconditional election, L for limited atonement, I for irresistible grace, and P for perseverance of the saints.

Now, many people find no difficulty in accepting four of the five points, notably, the first and last two in the word. I wanted to stress the fact that in leaving out the L, they not only mess up the word TULIP, but their own theology, and at the same time, miss what is, in many respects, the main doctrine of the five. So, I devised the TULIPBURGER.

Let me explain. The T and the P are like the two pieces of bun that hold a burger together—absolutely essential, but, in themselves, hardly a burger at all. I liken the U and the I to the lettuce and the tomato. Better, but still not a burger. Lastly, I suggest that the L is like the meat in the center. Truly, the idea of limited atonement is the “meat” of Calvinism. To hold to the fact that Jesus didn’t die for “mankind,” or, as that means, persons in general—but for persons in particular, is essential to having a “Personal Savior.” I’m delighted, that with the apostle I can say, “He loved me and gave Himself for me.” I agree with Luther who, when commenting on the first verse of the 23rd Psalm said, “Thank God for personal pronouns.”

To realize that Jesus’ death was 100% effective; that He didn’t die for people in general, but that He knew His sheep, and called them by name, and gave His life for each one of them individually is a blessed truth, not to be omitted from the burger. Because He did, therefore, every one of them will have eternal life. It is a rich doctrine not to be lost by focusing on buns, lettuce and tomato alone, while forgetting the meat.

Jesus didn’t come to make salvation possible—He came to “seek and to save that which was lost.” God was satisfied with His death for everyone for whom He died. He didn’t die needlessly for millions who would reject Him. He knew all that the Father had given Him, and said that not one of them would be lost. They would all be saved. After all, if Jesus’ death for sin really did satisfy God’s justice for any, it would also do so for all. So, if He died for all—all would be saved. Of course, we know that isn’t true. Yet, if universal atonement were true, then God could hardly punish men and women for eternity for whom Christ had already suffered the punishment. There is no double jeopardy. And therefore, there is no burger unless it is a TULIPBURGER!

Saturday, June 12, 2004

I copied this from Donna@QuietLife

1. If the world were to suddenly end right now, what do you wish you would have done?
...organized my basement
2. How many times do you hit the snooze button before getting out of bed?
...none, i usually awaken about 2mins BEFORE the alarm goes off
3. What cartoon do you enjoy watching from the present (or the past)?
...sorry, no cable here, although Candid Camera makes me laugh
4. If you could go to any time and/or place in history, where/when would it be?
...difficult choice, esp since I was a history major in college, hmmmm...right here in the Great State of Georgia, the 50-60 years preceeding the War of Northern Agression
5. If your life were a movie, what would it be rated and why?
...*G* because my life is divinely ordinary

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

You're a Classic Cup 'O' Joe.
You're a Classic Cup 'O' Joe!

What Kind of Coffee are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Friday, June 04, 2004

Peanut Butter Cookies

1 cup shortening (butter)
1 3/4 cup granulated white sugar
1 cup smooth peanut butter
2 eggs
2 1/2 cups all purpose flour,
      sifted with 1 tsp soda and pinch of salt
1 tsp vanilla

Cream together first three ingredients.  Add eggs and vanilla.  Add flour, mixing slowly until combined.  Pinh into small balls.  Press onto cookie sheet with two fingers or tongs of dinner fork.

Bake in preheated 375 degree oven for 8-12 minutes.
What I'm

flax-colored Irish linen shorts with black print linen blouse; black strappy sandals and "hammered" gold jewelry

Broccoli-Beef Stir-Fry with vidalia onions and red peppers; Cavit Pinot Noir

Dorothy Sayers' Lord Peter stories and Ross King's Michaelangelo & The Pope's Ceiling